Sunday 4 March 2012

My Space by Nor Fatimah

          Not everyone in this world has their own bedroom. Just imagine the people in Somalia that has to sleep on the ground. For me, i’m very grateful to have a very lovely room in my house. When i was a young girl, i’ve to share the bedroom with my sister,so,i can’t simply do what i want to. My sister used to decorate the room according to her passion. Everything  changed when i was 12 as i got my own bedroom. I’m so excited as i can simply do whatever i want  and decorate it according to my passion. My bedroom is my favourite room in the house. It somehow describes myself. Over the years, my room has changed from a  kid room to a teenage room. It is the place for me to release stress,escape from the noise made by my little nieces and nephews and hanging out with my friends.

           I just painted the walls with purple. I chose this colour as it keeps me to feel calm all over the time. When i was younger,my room was very girly and brightly painted. Now i’ve changed it to a more matured-thinking room. I have a queen sized bed,a dresser and a big layered bookshelf. As my hobby is reading, i have many types of books. The big bookshelf helps me to keep the massive collection of my books.The book that i love the most is about brain as my ambition is to be a neurologist. My comforter is pink,green and black. It describes the girly side of me. It really comforts me until every dawn.

             The most favourite thing about my bedroom is the decorations. As i’m the person who will not spend a lot of money to buy all of the decorating things, i prefer to recycle old things and try to turn them into creative things. My siblings think that i’m crazy  because they think it is a Herculean task but i don’t care what they think because i am who i am. I actually like to paint my room.  There’s a lot of painting in my room. I don’t care what others judge about my room because they don’t understand my personality.  There are so many trophies in my room as it describes the sports and activities that i’ve participated  in  my schooling time. I don’t have so many photo frames in my room. I don’t want my room to be so crowded as it will affect my mind to be stress. So i just have two family picture frames on my dressing table. Actually, when i’m in an irritable mood, i’ll paint on a drawing paper and later i paste it at the wall. It somehow added the decorations and helps tie my room.

             My bedroom never failed to make me happy all the time. I have always enjoyed it. My best friends really like to spend their time  in my room. They said that not only the bed is much bigger than theirs, the condition in my room is adorable to do anything. As there’s a lot of space in my room, my friends can always find somthing interesting  to do.

Written by,
Nor Fatimah Binti Osman

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