Friday, 5 October 2012

Monday, 11 June 2012


lame x post kat blog nih...
em..korang sambung STUDY kt mane?
share-share laa...
InsyaAllah aku sambung blajar kt METC (jgn tye metc tu ape,aq pun x tau) haha..
em..ok..tu je aq nk post...

post by Syahidan Ismail

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

UnTuK KoRaNg

Gemuruh jiwa..
semangat membara....
dari puncak ingin ke angkasa...
bertalukan bintang berkelipan...
menyerlah jauh dari yang biasa....

(betol ke lirik aku nih???)


Monday, 16 April 2012

from alang ntok lecturer

Amboi…. Asyik kowg je yang masok kan bnde cakap2 kat dalam ni… aq pon nak gak… hahhaa… azreell… ko ingat ko sowg je ke yang bley bwat perenggan??? Aq pon bley la…. Ahahha…
x bley nak lupe kowg… hahaa…. Lecturer pon same gak… rndu dyowg… x boleh nak lupa kat Mark… hahaha… penah ke kowg dapat cekgu g2??? Hahaha …oooo… firsttt   time aq kene panggil kuar kat depan ingat an dyyy nak suoh bwat pe… upe ny… nak suoh aq push up… (yang kowg sokong si mark suoh aq kluar bwat pe??) aish!! Malu siot mule2 kene kluar buat bnde g2…. Hahhaa…nasib baik la ade gak kite kenangan ber gambar ngn dia ramai2… hahaha…

si miss ai plak… da pandai nak mengejek aq da… asal jumpe aq je… mesti dy buat macam ni (mate pandang atas, tangan kat bahu) adoi…. Macam2 la dyowg ni… hahaha….. hahaha…  gambar ngn miss ai… ade jugak… hahaa…. Macam2 la…

Madam maznah… hahaha… time aq audition nak bace doa ntok farewell lunch… dy panggil aq… aq tanye la knpe??? Dy  Tanya apsal aq makin gelap… pastu aq cakap la… sunburn…  then dy tanye… apsal sunburn… aq cakap la… time kat tekam ari tu la… pastu dy cakap… laaa… x ilang lagi ke??? Pastu aq cakap la… blom… pastu aq cakap la kat madam… xpe la madam… saye ad bace article cakap yang “dark is sexy”… perghhhh… pastu…., 1 office gelak… gila… malu gila….

hahaha.... gmbar ngn madam aq tade la plak.... hehehehe

along dah.angah pon dah.meh akak lak bebel HAHA


 just a simple reminder :
 in school we been thought a lesson to face the test, 
but in real life we been test to teach us a lesson 

so access-ans,
be prepared for everything. 
thanks for being a role in my life :)
InsyaAllah, ada jodoh and rezeki kite jumpe la ye time graduasi,
if not,
kenanglah kami dalam doa kalian 

As what others say, we are difference from beginning. ade yang banyakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk cakap. ade yang sikit cakap. ade yang selamberrrr jek. ade gak yang pemalu aw aw HAHA
that is why we are together :)
 supaya orang yang macammacam jenis,ragam,pe'el,perangai,tabiat,habit etc ni boleh blaja hidup samesame
sedih takot bahagie samesame
gelak (merangkumi : digelakkan atau menggelakkan) samesame
menyanyi dan menari rainbow depan orang samesame so that malu pon samesame
dan termasoklah
blurr time kelas Mr Trevor samesame


banyakkk sebenanye aku nak bebel,tapi tapi tapi
mate dah pedih la
ish sensitif betol kalau ingat kisahkisah kat ITU
ti mate start pedih
aermate lak gedik nak klua
tu ok lagi,kadangkadang x aleh-aleh gelak
sesape yang mengalami syndrome yang same silalah bejumpa dengan pakar hati sbb sah dan nyata korang sedang menghidap penyakit RINDUUUUUUUUUUUUUU aku 

Sunday, 15 April 2012 harap korg dnga lgu nie...lgu yg pnuh makna...miz u all ACS 1
windu nk ktawa2 ma korg...dok umh mcm dok pnjara jew
hehee\.hope 2 see u all...:)


Saturday, 14 April 2012

Luahan hati Along di Negeri Bawah Bayu.........

Hye semuaaa!! Aku tngok dah ramai yg bertouching2 kat blog,, so, aku pon nk join sekali. Hehe all right,, we start from the time we first met at beloved Access One.
          (Amboi,, siap paragraph lagi. Haha) hrm,, first time masuk acs 1,,, korang pon nmpak kan? Aku ni pemalu. Semua org pon aku x tegur especially dak2 perempuan.  :p hrm, mcm ejay, dia ada first impression kan psal kelas? Aku pon ada. What i saw that time is, errr.... apa ae? Aku pon x taw. Yela. Aku kan pemalu. Mna la nak tengok korg semua... ^_^

          First of all, Kat kelas aku tegur2 ngan dak lelaki je. Perempuan sape ae rapat ngn aku time first2?? x de kot. Yela. Saya kan pemalu.. :p and smpai la bnyak kali lecturer buat cara pembelajaran melalui group.. time tu la kita tegur2.. “hye, sape nama awak? Where are u from?” hehe     
          After that, day by day,, hubungan kita makin rapat semenjak miss ai asyik suruh kita present bnda pelik2 kat depan. tiap hari mcm tu kan? Hampir tiap hari la kita akan pergi depan. Masing2 ada kreativiti untuk mempersembahkan task masing2.. and yg best nye each of us yg present, mesti ada sense of humour. Tu yang buat kita makin rapat. J J and tiap kali tu jugak ejay........ hrm,, korang pon taw... :D               
          Next, when first times mark masuk kelas kita, sume snyap. Ye la, mana prnah kna ajar oleh mat salleh. tapi time dia masuk aku dtg lmbat..... ingat lagi x? Yg aku buat tarian kt luar kelas tu? Terkejut kott time dia sergah.. “-_- start tu la aku dapat nama TROUBLE. Mula2 aku x suka. Tapi lma2 x kisah pon la. Hehe and start tu, ada je nama yg diberi kpada kita oleh mark tu. Dia selalu buat lawak and kita x gelak kt dia. Kesian kan? Tp okay la tu being honest.. hehe And for sure we’ll miss him.. L he cared for us. Sebab Ajar psal balance diet and cara senaman yg betul.. ;)
          Ingat lagi kita kna switch class ngn acs two? Disitu bermula la detik aku ada wives!! Huhu ntah la cmne boleh terjadi. Tapi aku di layan cm husband betul, especially my second wife.hehe tapi aku selalu dera third wife aku,, cian dia.. kasut dia asyik hilang. And asyik “oh mak kau NYOT..NYOT..NYOT.NYOT...!!!” I’m going to miss them .. LL

          Sampai la terciptanya family besar kt acs one apabila hafis and qamus bertukar kasut. Huhu i won’t forget that moment. Bnyak lagi aku nak cakap. Tapi smpai sini je la.. yang penting,,, apa yg berlaku kpada kita semua selama 3 bulan kt sana, jngn la lupa kan,,,  jngan la kita kawan sebab kita satu kelas. Kawan la sebab kita satu family.  J JJJTill then MY BELOVED FAMILY....

Sincerely..... along yang tengah bersedih...HUARGHH!! umiii!!! L

Thursday, 12 April 2012

C:memory ejay

ejay memang x pandai nak bermadah.
ejay jgak x pandai nak mengayat.
ejay just nak kowg tau yang ejay memang rindu korang sangat2.

tu bukan tujuan ejay post entry nie.
my purpose is.
I want to tell you about my experience in ACCESS 01.
if you still remember,
actually whyy,fath and i wasn't actually in access 01.
we were in access 02.
miss ai told us to go to access 01..
my first impression when i enter the class is.
'bestnye masok klas nie, ade amal, paan nan kak ya'
'tapi asal klas nie senyap je?'
'macam bosan je'
at that time..i really have a bad thought isn't.
when miss ai enter the class for the first time.
we have to introduce ourselves.
i felt a little bit nervous.
as I've to introduce myself in front of a new friends.
#perasaan malu pon ade
in the first month.
kte still ade kelompok.
area izie mmg x tego pon..
jgn marah tau.
second month kte makin rapat..
dance dalam klas merupakan our first activity yg kte glak ramai2.
then birthday whyy..
and macam2 lagi la.haha
kowg still ingat x kes abi wat muke MENAKUTKAN UE??
haha..memang kelakar gler..
masing2 da cuak..
ade yg da lari g access 02 lagi.
one more thing.
mase bulan 2 gak kte ade presentation "SOMEWHERE OVER THE RAINBOW"
memang GEMPAK la presentation kowg.
*thumbs up*

in the last month as classmates.
masing2 da rapat.
my first impression pon da terbang jao.
tapi mood sedyh lak datang..
masing2 da start touching2..
setiap kali nak wat something.
mesty ade kluo ayat camnie
'nie la last kte wat cmnie, pas nie da x de dah'
ayat sedih tu!!!

what ever it is.
i'm happy that you all have brighten up my new life episode.
you guys also show me how the world look like.
and you guys also teach me how to face the future.
hope our friendships never end also there is an 'end' in friENDships.
lpe pulak.
we are not only friends but we are also HAPPY FAMILY..
*until finger meet keyboards again *

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

bile izie da bosan

aq nak cte psl 
family ACCESS 1 nie laa. 
start with :

ABI (hafis ali)
[kak ngah menyibuk]

UMI (atiqah musbah)

PAK NGAH (hafiz zambri)

ALONG (azreel hairi juany)

ANGAH (khairul anuar ehwan)

KAKAK (amira husna)

ALANG ( hanis jamidi)
[peluk bear]

ADIK ( fitriani laharuddin)
[kak ngah mmg suke menyemak]

(nur fatin farhanah)

( sahira yaakob )

( amalina mahat )

( fatin umira )

KAK NGAH (izie afifah )
[nta pape je gmbr]

[anak sulong]
(nabil fikri)

anak2 pompuan
(athirah ratna sari )
(alifah ilyana)

(noor sarina)

(anis izzati)

(aisyah nadjwa)
(fatin nasuha)

(intan masliana)

(fatimah osman)

(ain hadaina)

(adzrina hasrin)

(syahidan ismail)

(hazliza salihan )



(anis amirah)

*sebenarnye aq maen hentam je ltk sume nie . hahaha
sori laa ye berterabur . hehe

Saturday, 7 April 2012

luahan hati DONE...

aq rindu sangat kt korang....
x sbr nk jumpe korg lagi...
tpi kite dpt jumpe balek sehari je kan....
tu pun..
ade yg mungkin x dpt dtg mse amek result tu...
pastu enth bila la kita dpt jumpe lagi....
aq nk ckp..
lau terjumpe kt mane2....
tegur la ye...
jgn wt x tau lak...
ingtlah satu sama lain....
walaupun aq sekadar bodyguard sahaje dlm 'keluarge' ni...
aq harap...
korg ingtlah kt aq ea.....

ok laa..
tu je aq nk ckp wt mse ni....
len kali aq post lg...
korg pun rjen2 la post ye....
jage diri baik2....

Friday, 6 April 2012

words from umi!!!!!!

=)You don't choose your family.  They are God's gift to you, as you are to them.  ~Desmond Tutu~

=)To us, family means putting your arms around each other and being there.  ~Barbara Bush~

=) A single rose can be my garden... a single friend, my world.Leo Buscaglia 

  • thanks for willing to be a part of my family even in a short period of time
  • byk perasaan yg dpt aku rase bile ngn korang sume-hepi,marah,gembira.trharu,nervous,- byk ag ar...
  • rindu nk share makanan ngn korang and nk blaja menari ngn korang
  • Remember Me SOMETIMES If Not ALWAYS



*aq bosan kt umah...

Yang Benar,

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

izie nak bebel gak

"mlm nie mak bg pilihan , kursus bi atau mak lg bhgie kalo ko pegi kursus bi tu."
perghhh , first2 dgr ayt nie , serius aq sentap .
1 mlm aq taknak berckp ngan mak bpk aq sbb cre dyorg mcm pkse aq msok kursus bi.
mmg aq taknak lgsg .
aq dpt borg tawaran (aq sorok kan)
mak aq suro fax (aq wat bodo)
tp aq senyum je . akq aq (kak izni ) pon pjok aq 1 mlm utk msok kursus bi nie .
aq terpikir nak bg peluang kat diri aq amek kursus bi .
then , akq aq yg buat sume bnde b4 aq g felc nie .
dye yg anta aq , dye yg kemas brg2 aq (sbb aq taknak g)
time orentasi aq knl berape org je 
junior akq aq rmai tp aq tak knl sesape pon .
termasok laa fath rahim (makcik sendiri pon aq tak knl)
ble dah bg2 kls , aq dpt kelas ACCESS 1 (peewwwiittt)
aq cume knl fatinnasuha , alifah n fath rahim .
first impression :
"apsal laa ade dak laki dlm klas aq"
time tu aq cume percaye bapak , abang n pakcik aq
sesape pon laki aq  tak percaye . 
aq taknak knl ngan dak laki . tp ble da knl ngan korg ,
aq pk tak sume laki same .
aq tak pena rse dihargai mcm nie skali . 
aq tak pena gurau2 ngan dak kls aq , mcm kte kat dlm kls .
aq tak pena rndu kwn2 kls , tp aq rindu gle kat korg .
aq syg ACCESS1 da mcm aq syg family aq sendiri
dlu aq pk , ble nak abes 3 bln nie .
tp skrg kalo bole , 3 bulan tu aq nak jd kan hbgn smpai bebile
aq syg gleglegleglegleglegle kat korg . 
aq epi sgt kat situ sbb aq ade umi , abi , along , akak , adek , alang , biras2 (hehe) , anak (15)
bodyguard , gardener .
epi gle2 . tak pena dpt kwn yg hapenning mcm korg . hehehe
sayang gle laa kat korg . haha
pnjg da aq bebel nie . 
nnt rjen aq update lg . hehe .

Monday, 2 April 2012

bebelan ejay!!!

aq da rindu la nan kowg sumer!!!!
sumpah aq da lame x gelak kuat2...
x tau nak gelak pasal ape..
dlu bley la gelak coz ad kowg..
skang x kan aq nak gelak sowg2 kot..
ble aq bley jmpe kowg????
bosan da nie...
kowg rindu at aq x???
mesty rindukan....
lau x pon tape...
aq redha...
nak ckp nie...
aq sayang kowg sume*...

p/s: *dak2 ACCESS 01*


Asalamualaikum kwn2.....ape kbr?harap korg sume sehat aq nk post something aq letak tjuk bosan?sebab aq memang tgah bosan kt umah ni.....rndu sngt2 kt korg....lau x skang ni..ade je bende nk wt....hehe....dgr citer...budak2 batch29 dh daftar msuk.....korg lak wt ape skang?kongsi-kongsi la sikit ea....k la...tu je aq nk post...ade mse aq post lg...k bye2....

Monday, 5 March 2012

What meant by bedroom? - muhammad hanis bin mohd jamidi

What meant by bedroom?

Bedroom is a private room where people usually sleep for the night or relax during the day.  I am very lucky to have my own bedroom. So I do not have to share my bedroom with my other siblings. In my bedroom.  I have a single bed for me to get sleep during night or get rest during day. I also have a table in my bedroom. So, it is easier for me to study. When there is a table, for sure it will comes with a chair. My bedroom wall is pink in colour. By that, my bedroom will look so cheerful. Besides that, I also have florescent lamp. Besides the colour is very cheerful, my bedroom also is very efficient in reducing the usage of energy. 

Sunday, 4 March 2012

..ohh my bedroom!!!...nur amalina mahat

Baiduri 3!It is my lovely bedroom ever!I like living in it.I have adapted well to my bedroom.My bedroom is very large and has a 'L' shape,very unique,isn't it?haha!My bedroom is located on the second floor beside the administration buiding of our hostel.The bedroom has 15 single beds for each one of my roomates and I.The mattress are very comfortable for us to have a rest and absolutely for sleeping.Plus,the environment here is very peaceful and calm.My bedroom is the nearest dorm with the highway outside of our hostel.So that,we can see and hear many transports passing by in front of our hostel for every time and it makes me feel more enjoy living in this hostel.
Furthermore,the ceiling painted white and the colour of wall are devided by two which are pink on the top of the wall and white at the bottom of the wall.In addition,the floor is dominantly gray with white and black spots.There are four fans and ten lamps in my bedroom.I have a huge white locker to keep our things especially our clothes.There is an emergency door at the end of my 'L' shape bedroom.
Last but not least,I just want to say that I like my bedroom very much because of its facilities,strategic location and especially of my friendly and cheerful roommates.I will never forget my sweet memories that were happened in my unique bedroom.

my bedroom [izie afifah ramle]

Everyone have their own bedroom.So am I.I have a medium-sized bedroom which I share with my sisters.There is a queen-size bed.My bedroom wall is yellow.I think I want to change my bedroom's wall because non of my family like yellow.I don't have any idea how my bedroom can be in yellow.There is a closet at the corner of my bedroom.My sisters and I share the same closet.We put our clothes and personal things in the closet.There are two tables in front of the bed.We put our books on the tables.There are many types of books such as revision books,comics and magazine.There are windows behind the bed.I love my bedroom becauseit is my private place and I can calm myself in my bedroom.

My Space by Nor Fatimah

          Not everyone in this world has their own bedroom. Just imagine the people in Somalia that has to sleep on the ground. For me, i’m very grateful to have a very lovely room in my house. When i was a young girl, i’ve to share the bedroom with my sister,so,i can’t simply do what i want to. My sister used to decorate the room according to her passion. Everything  changed when i was 12 as i got my own bedroom. I’m so excited as i can simply do whatever i want  and decorate it according to my passion. My bedroom is my favourite room in the house. It somehow describes myself. Over the years, my room has changed from a  kid room to a teenage room. It is the place for me to release stress,escape from the noise made by my little nieces and nephews and hanging out with my friends.

           I just painted the walls with purple. I chose this colour as it keeps me to feel calm all over the time. When i was younger,my room was very girly and brightly painted. Now i’ve changed it to a more matured-thinking room. I have a queen sized bed,a dresser and a big layered bookshelf. As my hobby is reading, i have many types of books. The big bookshelf helps me to keep the massive collection of my books.The book that i love the most is about brain as my ambition is to be a neurologist. My comforter is pink,green and black. It describes the girly side of me. It really comforts me until every dawn.

             The most favourite thing about my bedroom is the decorations. As i’m the person who will not spend a lot of money to buy all of the decorating things, i prefer to recycle old things and try to turn them into creative things. My siblings think that i’m crazy  because they think it is a Herculean task but i don’t care what they think because i am who i am. I actually like to paint my room.  There’s a lot of painting in my room. I don’t care what others judge about my room because they don’t understand my personality.  There are so many trophies in my room as it describes the sports and activities that i’ve participated  in  my schooling time. I don’t have so many photo frames in my room. I don’t want my room to be so crowded as it will affect my mind to be stress. So i just have two family picture frames on my dressing table. Actually, when i’m in an irritable mood, i’ll paint on a drawing paper and later i paste it at the wall. It somehow added the decorations and helps tie my room.

             My bedroom never failed to make me happy all the time. I have always enjoyed it. My best friends really like to spend their time  in my room. They said that not only the bed is much bigger than theirs, the condition in my room is adorable to do anything. As there’s a lot of space in my room, my friends can always find somthing interesting  to do.

Written by,
Nor Fatimah Binti Osman

special bedroom...Nur Fatin Farhanah bt Mohd Arbain

Bedroom is a room furnished with beds or used for sleeping.Some people have to share their bedroom with their
siblings.For me,bedroom is a place where I can keep all my things together.I have to share my bedroom with my younger sister.She is 12 years old.As I stay in a hostel for five years,she had to take care of our bedroom.As long as we share the same bedroom,we also share many same accessories.In my bedroom,it have a single bed but have two mattresses.Only in a certain time my sister will sleep in the room.I have one big and chocolate in colour of cupboard.On the cupboard it has a long mirror.Therefore,in my bedroom also have two clothes rack.It  also have one shelf good.Many accessories of mine and my sister are put in it.My bedroom's wall is paint with yellow in colour.On the wall, my sister had paste some love shape sticker.I love to rest in my bedroom because it is cool and peaceful.As a conclusion,my bedroom is a best room that I ever had.I love my bedroom.


Everyone have their own bedroom so do i. To me bedroom is the place that i can put all my secret things without  any worried. My bedroom wall was painted with milky pink of colour so that i will keep calm and peace whenever i came in. My bed is in queen size and it places in the middle of my bedroom. My bedsuit was hot pink while my blanket and pillow was soft green with some design on it and also not to forget my pink patrick. I really love it. I also have two wardrobe so that i can put all my clothes and other things such like sneakers, wedges and scarf in it. My study table is on the left side of my bed. In front of my bed there is my make-up table. I also have my own private room which is toilet in my bedroom so that i dont have to share with my other family members. On the wall there is the photo of my sister and i in the big white frame.

Nur Athirah Ratna Saari...


Well, I will try to describe my bedroom, although it's a little bit difficult because it's a bit chaotic. 
First,my favourite colour is orange,so i painted my bedroom in yellow colour because when i combine yellow and orange its look very beautiful.I painted the wall yellow so that i can use an orange veil and curtain.Then,
in my bedroom,i have two cupboard. The maroon cupboard is for me meanwhile the brown cupboard is use to keep my late father's clothes.In front of my bed there is my computer desk.I use the computer desk as my desk study.At my bed always has comics and magazines that i read before i went to sleep.At the corner of my bed, there is a teddy bear to accompany me.

Bedroom is my favourite place.I love my bedroom so much because i've spent a lot of my time in my bedroom.Bedroom is the place that i use to cry when i fight with my bestfriends and when the time that my father pass away two years ago.But now,i rarely use my bedroom because since my father pass away,i has to sleep with my mother at front of television.Eventhough,i don't sleep in my bedroom,i still use the room as the study room.My bedroom is still my favourite place and i love it so much.


My bedroom is the best place that I love to spend my own time. I don’t have to share the bedroom with someone else because my sister only one year old. My bedroom is in yellow and white in colour. There is two cupboard which is one is for my clothes and one for my naughty brother’s toys. I also have a queen-size bed with pink bed sheets. There is also a study table that my mother bought it for me since I am in standard two. There are some wall decorations based on Disney characters. A lot of dolls and teddy bears that arranged neatly on a shelf at the side of my bedroom. Curtain that I used for my window is green with flowery design on it. I think that is all I can describe about my cute bedroom. Any of my girls classmate who would like to come to Sabah, you are invited to stay in my house. 


        Bedroom can be describes as a room for sleeping. However, for me, bedroom is not just for sleeping but a place where I can get my privacy to do anything I like such as dancing, singing and others. Since my childhood years, I always dream to have a very good, nice and comfortable bedroom. But, as my beloved house is small and has only three bedrooms, I need to share my bedroom with my fourth sister.
        Actually, I don’t have any bedroom. My mother and I used to sleep in front of the television. As I am becoming a teenager, my mother told me to share bedroom with my sister. Well, my bedroom is not like what I always dream. It is just nice for me and my sister. It is a medium-sized bedroom. There is one queen bed and one cupboard, where I put my clothes and personal things inside it.
        As my sister love purple very much, the wall of our bedroom is painted with purple colour and I just accept it eventhough I don’t like purple. The queen bed is covered by a pink bedclothes and comforter and again I just accept it as I don’t like pink too. Usually, in girl bedroom, there will be teddy bear everywhere even one. The weird thing is there is no teddy bear or doll on our bed as we don’t like it.
        There is a picture of beautiful scenery hanging on the wall of our bedroom and there are some purple flower hanging on it too. There is also a long mirror hanging on the wall next to our bed. My mother sews a beautiful flowered curtain for our bedroom. Eventhough, I need to share my bedroom with my sister, I love my bedroom so much.

Nabil's Luxury Room by Nabil Fikri

       Everyone have their own bedroom . All bedroom have different design, colour and arrangement but all that is not necessary because the most important things is, it makes us feel more comfortable, chill and peacefull . For example , my bedroom does make me feel peace and comfortable. When you go to my hause , you can know my room because there is a sign of my name on the door . My bedroom is white cream in colour and the floor is made from plain white tiles. When you enter my room , first thing you will see is a study table where I usually study . On the wall in front of my table there is a small board where I wrote all my assignment that is given by my teacher and I also wrote my timetable on it. When there is a table, there must be a chair . My chair is an office chair . It is blue in colour . It is really soft and comfortable. Sometimes, I don’t realise that I already fall asleep on it while I’m doing my homework or studying. Next, my bed is about two metres long and it is a single bed. It is my favourite place where I usually spending my time . But I will make sure my bed always clear and tidy . There is also a window in my bedroom that makes the air to flow in, thus makes my bedroom refreshing and chilly. Beside my bedroom is my bookcase. I usually put all books that are related to school in it. I arrange all my books by sequent so that is  easier for me to recognise the book and I make it easier for my family member to search for it and even an outsider can know what type of books it is. Last but not lease, is my cupboard. I have two wooden cupboard . It width is about two metre and I put all my cloth in it and there is a poster on it .