Thursday 12 April 2012

C:memory ejay

ejay memang x pandai nak bermadah.
ejay jgak x pandai nak mengayat.
ejay just nak kowg tau yang ejay memang rindu korang sangat2.

tu bukan tujuan ejay post entry nie.
my purpose is.
I want to tell you about my experience in ACCESS 01.
if you still remember,
actually whyy,fath and i wasn't actually in access 01.
we were in access 02.
miss ai told us to go to access 01..
my first impression when i enter the class is.
'bestnye masok klas nie, ade amal, paan nan kak ya'
'tapi asal klas nie senyap je?'
'macam bosan je'
at that time..i really have a bad thought isn't.
when miss ai enter the class for the first time.
we have to introduce ourselves.
i felt a little bit nervous.
as I've to introduce myself in front of a new friends.
#perasaan malu pon ade
in the first month.
kte still ade kelompok.
area izie mmg x tego pon..
jgn marah tau.
second month kte makin rapat..
dance dalam klas merupakan our first activity yg kte glak ramai2.
then birthday whyy..
and macam2 lagi la.haha
kowg still ingat x kes abi wat muke MENAKUTKAN UE??
haha..memang kelakar gler..
masing2 da cuak..
ade yg da lari g access 02 lagi.
one more thing.
mase bulan 2 gak kte ade presentation "SOMEWHERE OVER THE RAINBOW"
memang GEMPAK la presentation kowg.
*thumbs up*

in the last month as classmates.
masing2 da rapat.
my first impression pon da terbang jao.
tapi mood sedyh lak datang..
masing2 da start touching2..
setiap kali nak wat something.
mesty ade kluo ayat camnie
'nie la last kte wat cmnie, pas nie da x de dah'
ayat sedih tu!!!

what ever it is.
i'm happy that you all have brighten up my new life episode.
you guys also show me how the world look like.
and you guys also teach me how to face the future.
hope our friendships never end also there is an 'end' in friENDships.
lpe pulak.
we are not only friends but we are also HAPPY FAMILY..
*until finger meet keyboards again *

1 comment:

izie afifah said...

aku SAYANG n RINDU ejay !!!